Yoga for a healthier Life

Yoga has now become one of the much sought after the sport of choice. You are interested in this sport can take a yoga class at the fitness center or try it at home. There is a wide range of movement yoga for beginners that can be learned and practiced.

Movements of yoga for beginners may look relaxed but needs to be done properly so that its benefits can be felt. There are various benefits of yoga to be gained from reducing stress and tension, improve flexibility and balance, to prevent and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension and heart disease.
Movements of Yoga for beginners
Here are a few movements of yoga for beginners can be done at home:

• Mountain
Although it looks simple, yoga for beginners this can improve posture and balance the body. To do this, stand in position upright and make sure the tip of a thumb sticking each other's feet. Then, let the parts of the heel is a little tenuous with the position of the hands is next. Busungkan chest to posture looks ideal and position the head in an upright position with your back and pelvis position fixed relaxes. Hold about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

• Tree Pose
This movement is beneficial to train balance and flexibility of the body. Beginning with the stand in upright, then paste your both hands in front of his chest like a praying pose. Then lift up one foot, then place the legs at the thighs. If not can do at once, help use the hands to lift the ankle. Keep your hips stay balanced. Lasting about 30 seconds, and then do alternately left and right between the legs.

• Warrior
This position was able to train the muscles of the lower body, while simultaneously building up stamina and balance. Known two types of the position of a warrior. For the first position, stand upright and expand to two feet. Rotate the shoulders facing to one side, left or right. Adjust the direction of the soles of the feet towards her and then bend the knees in the Forelegs overlooking one side of this as far as 90 degrees. Meanwhile, legs that are on the back is tilted at 45 degrees positions. Raise your hands up by your Palm. Keep the chest position remains upright. Hold about 30 seconds to 1 minute and switch sides.
On the position of warrior next, position the legs is equal to the previous style of the warrior. It's just, hands are stretched straight into the side of the left and right shoulders with palms facing down. Hold for 30 seconds or until 1 minute then switch sides.

• Butterfly
The movement is the next yoga for beginners is the butterfly. Butterfly movements are beneficial for stretching the lower back part of the body, thighs, and hips. To perform the butterfly pose, sit with a straight leg position towards the front, then fold into two legs. Meet right and left soles and press towards the thigh in. Hold the soles of the feet with two hands and relax your thighs slowly up to the position of the knee can be closer to the floor. Hold the pose is approximately 1-2 minutes.

• The Downward facing dog
The movement poses yoga for beginners this will make the body forming a triangle. Its benefits are able to stretch your upper body, arms, chest, legs, and back muscles. For downward facing dog pose, you can start with a position as push-ups, just that You have to pull your hips upwards. Then tighten up the position by pressing the palms and soles of the feet to the floor to solidify positions. Inhale, and then align the legs. Relax your head, place it between his arm and looked down with a view towards the feet. Hold approximately 1-3 minutes.

• Child's pose
This common position as relaxation and stretching the back.  As the name suggests, the movement considered the position of children. In the Downward Facing Dog pose, you need only lunges to stick to the floor. Likewise, with the chest, let it be as close as possible with the floor. Chest and stomach will blend with your front thigh. Expand to two hands straightforward, while the head was tilted down to the bottom. Do while regulating the breath.

• Reclining spinal twist
Lying on his back, then expand to two hands towards the side to form the letter t. then pull the left leg and waist, bend to the right. Place the sole of the left foot is parallel to the right knee. Face leading to the Palm of your right hand, but let the chest still leads to the future. Hold breath up to 10 times, then change sides.
Although the movements of yoga for beginners looks easy, you will probably feel pain in certain parts of the body when practicing it. Ask for guidance regarding yoga trainers the right movement, to avoid injury. If you have special health conditions, we recommend consulting a physician before practicing yoga.

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