Simple Steps To Organize A Healthy Lifestyle

There are many ways to expand a healthy life, depending on how we could get through it. To live a healthy life indeed belongs to is not that easy, much less in the millennial year as it is now in. Here are a number of steps that we can follow to start a healthy life in the new year 2019. 
The following 9 simple steps to organize a healthy lifestyle in the new year:
1. Cook your own Food more often cooked tend to be more healthy than foods that are purchased outside because we know what the content of the cuisine. With homemade food, we will not be easily tempted to order good food less healthy. We can also make sure to get enough protein, fiber, and vegetables full of nutrients from the food we create for yourself. Including confine your intake of fat, sugar, and salt that invite the risk of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. If it does not have enough time to Cook, you can with crock-pot or slow cooker and make simple dishes.
2. Not overburdened new year's resolutions  "January is the month of the right to make new year's resolutions. This could be good for health mentally, but make sure the resolution list made sense to do so are more likely to achieve,  "says Stacy Kaiser, a psychotherapist from New York and the author of in the Live Happy. She exemplifies, the resolution to lose weight up to 13 kilograms may be too difficult, unless you are committed to more exercise and dietary efficiency
3. set the schedule for routine health checks at the beginning of the year, make a list of visits to doctors, including dentists, to regularly do health checks.  "Write this down on your calendar and make health a priority. If not, check the health agenda will be easily exceeded,  "says Josie Znidarsic, doctors at the clinic In Cleveland Disease, Wellness Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, United States.
4. Organize your bedroom is Sleep better by changing the order of the bed. Make sure the bedroom cool, dark and quiet. Stay away from electronics, including televisions, 30 minutes before bed. For beams of electronic objects can cause insomnia and reduce levels of the hormone melatonin is produced by the body. The study shows, the scent of lavender in the room you will also add to the sensation of relaxation. In addition, Assistant Professor in the health clinic of The Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Raj Dasgupta said, we can also perform rituals a tranquilizer, like yoga or meditation to help the body and mind.
5. Keep your oral health in order to have a healthy mouth, we are required more than just brushing my teeth every day. Make sure Your toothpaste does not contain Triclosan that is dangerous because it could potentially interfere with hormones. However, in some toothpaste, the content of Triclosan is still allowed. In addition, don't forget to replace your toothbrush regularly. Researchers found that a toothbrush can collect the content of Triclosan and slowly releasing. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three or four months. Because, while the feather brush is damaged, the effectiveness for teeth cleaning can be reduced.
6. Positive thinking often we are too busy to forget the emotional well-being, it can cause stress and negative thoughts. Make a commitment to improving me emotionally with yourself,  "says Kaiser. Choose a time, could wake up time in the morning, during the day or before going to bed. Focus on what you feel, even though it is sad or upset.  "Once you can take the feelings, think of something that makes happy to change the mood becomes more positive, " he said.
7. Prepare the food's "with healthy foods that are ready to be carried, we could reduce the possibility of buying fast food or other unhealthy foods, which will look more attractive when we are hungry and only have a little time, " says Marisa Moore from Atalanta. Prepare a balanced meal (rich in proteins, whole grains and fruits, and vegetables) and prepare the ingredients on the weekends. You could also prepare the ingredients before (already cut out and ready to cook).
8. Fix the custom digital disconnect with your mobile phone or laptop does not only make us more connected with people around. It also could reduce the adverse effects arising from the mind of the screen for too long, such as haze, headaches, neck pain, or irritation of the eye. Limit the use of social media for up to one hour per day, reduce the checking email after hours or set one day as  "mobile phone free days ".
9. Understand if experiencing  "SAD " If you feel sad at certain seasons, you do not own. Many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that comes and goes along with the advent season. Usual experienced four times more women than men.

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