Cancer of the rectum

Rectum cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in a part of the anus or rectum. The channel is a channel on the anus rectum which functions to perform the disposal of feces from the colon. Rectum cancer is generally rare. Rectum cancer occurs when cells in the area of the anus grow with uncontrollable. This condition causes the cells to turn into cancer.

• cancer of the rectum
Most Rectum cancers derive from cells in the mucosal layer, particularly the mucous layer of the gland cells in the anus. The function of the gland on the anus is to produce mucus or slime as a lubricant so that the stool is more easily passed through the anus. A type of cancer of the anus that comes from these glands is called adenocarcinoma. Aside from adenocarcinoma, a cancer of the rectum can also include the type of squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Rectum cancer often spreads from one part to another part of the rectum, making it difficult to know the origin of cancer of the anus.
In addition to a malignant tumor (cancer), on the anus can also appear benign tumors and tumor pre-cancer, namely, the tumor originating from benign but in his trip can turn into malignant. Dysplasia is an example of pre-cancerous tumors. Dysplasia that occurs in the rectum rectum intraepithelial neoplasia with known (AIN) and rectum squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL).

• Symptoms of cancer of the rectum
Symptoms that may occur in people with cancer of the rectum, among others are:
Bleeding from the rectum or rectum.
Itching or pain in the rectum area.
POPs swelling or lump on the rectum.
Unusual liquid out of the rectum.
Bowel disorders (volumes) one of them is the difficulty of holding bowel movements.
A fifth of people with cancer the rectum does not show symptoms at all (asymptomatic). If the above symptoms, it is advisable to immediately consult the doctor.

• Causes of rectum Cancer
rectum cancer is caused by a genetic mutation that causes the rectum in cells normal cells to turn out to be abnormal. Abnormal rectum cells grow and multiply uncontrollably and form tumors. These cancer cells can invade surrounding tissue and spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).
Cancer of the rectum is often associated with a virus infection, i.e., Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Even so, not every person who suffers cancer HPV infection will experience the rectum. HPV produces proteins that can turn off tumor suppressor proteins in normal cells. Some of the things that can lead to a person developing cancer of the rectum more easily, among others are:
Age. rectum cancer often appears on the elderly.
Have a history of suffering from cancer. Cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, vaginal or have a higher risk of suffering cancer of the rectum.
A weak immune system conditions. A weak immune system, for example, due to HIV infection or because the immunosuppressant drugs such as the use of corticosteroids, can lead to a person developing cancer of the rectum more easily than people who are the immune system in good condition.
Suffering from warts on the rectum. Warts on the rectum caused by HPV infection increases a person's risk of developing cancer of the rectum.
Woman. Women are more easily affected by cancer of the rectum than men. But for the age group under 35 years old, rectum cancer is more common in men than in women.

• Diagnosis of cancer of the rectum
To determine whether a person developing cancer of the rectum or not, following this examination will be required, including:
Physical examination of the rectum and rectum. This examination aims to check the condition of the rectum and anus, especially to find the presence of lumps on anus tissue as a sign of cancer. The inspection can be done with rectum Plug and continued with the help of tools, i.e. Tools tubular vigorously to see abnormalities in the anus and rectum more clearly.

Examination using endoscopy is performed by inserting a thin, flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end, into the anus. In this examination procedure, it can be also taken tissue samples that allegedly experienced anus cancer (biopsy of the rectum).

Biopsy aims to take tissue samples that allegedly experienced rectum cancer to be examined using a microscope. In addition to direct a biopsy on tissue biopsy is the anus, also can be done by using a thin needle (fine needle aspiration) in lymph nodes if there is enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Transrectal ULTRASOUND.
On the action of Transrectal ULTRASOUND transducer, directly placed in the rectum. This examination can see how deep cancer has invaded the tissues of the rectum.

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