The symptoms of bone cancer

Symptoms of bone cancer are generally preceded by painful bone that never healed or getting worse, thus the appearance of a lump or swelling in the place of the cancer cells to grow, and the vulnerable bones were broken. Other bone cancer symptoms can also cause cold hands or feet to tingle or numbness in the affected area.

Even so, bone cancer symptoms can be varied when the cancer cells had already spread into several types. The following symptoms of bone cancer in accordance with its kind, namely:
1. Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma is more common on the outer layer of the bone of the arm, but can also appear in the bones of the foot. The following types of osteosarcoma bone cancer symptoms:
• pain tend to be noticeably more intense and worse at night. The pain is also generally increased along with the activity and can result in a limp if the tumor is located in the bones of the limbs
• bump and bruise which Appears usually appear after a few weeks you are experiencing pain in the bones.
• Osteosarcoma tends to make the location of the tumor in the bone becomes weaker and finally broke, it often makes no bones broke.
2. Ewing's Sarcoma
Ewing's sarcoma cancer including rare cancer that occurs in the soft tissue that surrounds the bones or directly on the bone. Usually occurs on the bone of the arm, leg, or pelvic bone. The following symptoms of Ewing's sarcoma: bone cancer
The fever appears protracted.
• Offered from Cancer, about 85% of children and teenagers with this type of cancer is having some complaints of erratic on the bone, like pain, swelling, stiffness.
• Emerging lumps in the skin surface which when touched felt warm and soft.
• often have a broken bone without any injuries. This is caused by the growth of tumors in the bone that makes bones become weak and eventually broken.
3. Chondrosarcoma
This type of cancer can occur on the thighs, hips, and shoulders in adults. Chondrosarcoma of bone cancer symptoms are the following:
• bone Pain does not occur continuously, but it may worsen at night or during heavy activity.
• swelling and stiffness of the bone.
• a lump Appeared on bones.
• Body felt limp and not powered.
• When this cancer occurs in the pelvis, chances are you will also experience urinary tract disorders.
4. Fibrosarcoma
This type of cancer occurs in fibrous tissue which wrapped up the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Generally, occur on areas of the legs or torso. Like other types of cancer, this type of bone cancer symptoms are:
• the existence of a lump under the skin.
• the affected Bone feels pain and hard driven.
• When cancer cells grow around the stomach, can cause respiratory problems.
Some of the symptoms of bone cancer or other signs may not be listed above. If you are feeling anxious about the symptoms of cancer of the bones, was soon consulting to your physician.
When to go to the doctor?
If you have any signs or symptoms of bone cancer as discussed above or would like to just ask about these diseases, consultation with a physician. Discuss with the doctor to get the best solution to suit your condition.
What causes bone cancer?
In fact, until now the causes of bone cancer has not been found. However, experts suspect that this disease occurs due to an error in conducting the DNA replication in cells of the bone.
When the DNA is formed incorrectly or abnormal, this has resulted in growing bone cells to uncontrollably grow in large quantities. Bone cells that uncontrolled gathered into a malignant tumor that can spread to other networks.
The risk factors
What increases the risk of bone cancer?
There are many risk factors that could cause bone cancer, namely:
• Genetic. Genetic causes of bone cancer are very rare in the case of primary bone cancer. However, people who have a gene or a history of retinoblastoma and Li-Fraumeni syndrome have the possibility to experience cancer in the bones.
• Paget's disease of the bone. This disease is a condition of pre-cancer that is benign. Paget's disease disrupts the process of recycling in a normal body, where new bone tissue is slowly occupying the old bone tissue. Over time, the disease can cause the affected bones to become brittle. Paget's disease is more common in adults, especially those over 50 years old.
• Radiation exposure. Some chemotherapy drugs and radiation can increase the risk of developing cancer in the bones, such as treatment with alkylating agents.

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