Understanding Cancer

Understanding Cancer
Cancer is a disease that results from the abnormal growth of cells that uncontrollably, causing the body to normal tissue that is damaged. Basically, the human body is composed of trillions of cells scattered in every organ and parts. These cells will continue to develop into new cells. When the old cells, not healthy and not functioning again would die naturally.

While cancer cells do not die by itself. The cells will continue to proliferate and multiply until the amount already should not be brought under control again. These changes can trigger the appearance of cancer cells. This disease can appear on any part of the body because the origins of cells in the human body. Then, there are many types of cancer are found in humans. It was reported that there are more than 200 types of cancer.

Symptoms of cancer
• unusual bumps appear.
• changes in the skin.
• problems within the lymph nodes.
• weight down without cause.
• prolonged cough or shortness of breath.
• the emergence of without causing pain.
• The bleeding is not normal.
If you have any signs or symptoms of cancer mentioned above, or have any questions about the symptoms of this disease, you should immediately talk to a doctor.

Causes of cancer
Cancer is the most common cause of changes (mutations) in the genes in cells in gene, there are thousands of DNA that will provide instructions on the cell to perform its function in the cell organs, a place to live. Unfortunately, this process does not always run perfectly. When cells divide, there is a risk that the new cells are born from the divisions contain the faulty gene or duplicated too much. Changes in the structure of the genes in these cells is referred to as gene mutation.
Typically, a new gene mutation will potentially cause cancer if there is more than five times and involves different genes. This process can take up to a year to dividing cells and cancer cells form large enough. It was not until symptoms start to appear and the cancer cells appear when the body is examined. But in children, gene damage has happened since in the womb or at birth.
In General, there are two factors cause cancer most frequently occurs, i.e. internal factors (such as descendants) and external factors (such as hormonal changes, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking habit, as well as exposure to radiation, viruses.

Risk factors
There are many factors that increase the risk of developing cancer. Among other things:
• A Family History.
• age. Age above 65 years are more susceptible to cancer.
• bad habits. Such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive sun exposure, obesity, and unsafe sex.
• health conditions. Some of the chronic health conditions such as ulcerative colitis can increase the risk of the emergence of a certain type of kidney disease.
• the environment. Harmful chemicals like benzene and asbestos in the home or workplace can be a factor that increases the risk of this disease.

Cancer Diagnosis
It is highly recommended to diagnose the disease as quickly as possible to get the best opportunity for healing, especially in the early stages. The doctor may use one or more approaches to diagnose this disease. Some tests are customarily done doctor to diagnose this disease in them with physical examinations, laboratory tests (such as blood tests), Imaging tests (such as x-rays, MRIS, ULTRASOUNDS and CT scans), and biopsy.
The treatment of cancer
Cancer drugs essentially depends on the type and stage of disease, the potential side effects, as well as the choice and the general health of the patient. In General, here are some of the most common cancer drug:
1. Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses chemicals with strong intensity to kill cells that grow quickly in the body. The most commonly used chemotherapy as a cancer drug, because the disease is growing faster than the normal cells in the body. Chemotherapy drugs can be used alone or combined as a cancer drug. Chemotherapy is an effective way to treat many different types of this disease but have the risk of side effects should also be looking out for.
2. Radiotherapy is a treatment that relies on radiation by using high energy x-ray waves, gamma, protons and electrons to kill cancer cells. Although radiotherapy is most often used as a cure for cancer, sometimes therapy is also used to treat patients who are not exposed to these diseases, such as tumors and disorders of the thyroid gland.
3. Target therapy is therapy that uses drugs or other chemicals to identify and attack specific cancer cells without killing normal cells. This therapy include monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

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