Healthy lifestyles

The following are health Tips healthy living Prophet or patterns according to Prof. Dr. Gus Romadhon based on various history that can be trusted, is as follows:

1. He got up before dawn to Qiymullail, so the initial intake to the body he was one-third of the air last night. Health experts declared that the air at this time is very rich in oxygen, so it is very beneficial for optimizing the metabolism of the body, which affects the vitality of someone in a full day of activities. That's why the person who began the activity with wake up the dawn, usually live a day with a vigorous and optimistic.
2. In the morning, he was using to the teeth and oral health. Miswak natural fluorine-containing highly beneficial for the health of teeth and gums. Currently, the extract can we find in toothpaste, so it is easy for us to use.
3. The Prophet opens the menu of breakfast with a glass of cold water mixed a spoonful of honey and drank wonderful original. In the Koran, honey is the time (medicine) akhirah (overall) of the variety of the disease. Honey also contains micronutrients which are needed by the body.
4. Enter the time of Duha (midmorning), Messenger always consumes seven dates ' grains (cooked). Prophet once: who eats seven grains of day, it will be protected from the poison.
5. In the afternoon, the menu of the Messenger is the vinegar and olive oil are consumed with food staples such as bread. Its benefits, among them: prevent weak bones, prevent senility, waging devastating cholesterol, constipation, launched digestion, etc.
6. In the evening, the dinner menu main Messenger is vegetables. In General, vegetables contain substances and the same function, namely to strengthen the body's endurance and protect them from the attacks of the disease.
7. After eating, he does not sleep. He got better in the past so that the food consumed goes into the stomach quickly and easily digestible. Rasullullah once said, "you guys with food cleared Dhikr Allah and pray, and do not sleep directly after meals, because it can make the hearts you guys be the loud" (HR. Abu Nu'aim from Aisha r. a)
8. Several types of foods that favored the Prophet but he didn't routinely take include: said (a mixture of meatloaf with gravy cooking water), yes think fruit (calabash), grapes, and Hillah (milk).
9. The Prophet often took themselves work out, sometimes while playing with his son and grandson. Sport recognized by health experts is very beneficial for the body.
10. The Messenger does not advocate his people for staying up. He does not like chatting and eating after ' Isha '. Him to bed early in order to get up earlier. Because enough rest, such as sleep is the right body, is needed by the body.
11. The core of the consumption patterns of the Messenger is avoiding of (excessive) in eating and drinking. He never did eat again satiety after. Prof. Dr. Musthofa emphasized that filled the stomach with food. The actual satiety was sufficiently body by substances that it needs in accordance with the proportion and size.
12. Based on your history, Aisha-Zubair said, "the First Prophet never fills his stomach with two kinds of food. When the already well-fed with bread, he will not eat dates, and when it was full with dates, he will not eat bread ". Research proves that the gathering of food in the stomach has given rise to a variety of diseases. For that, it is very important for us in combining food (food combining) fine.

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