Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is a condition in which the growth of malignant tumors in the brain. The disease is divided into two types. Consists of primary brain cancer (accounting for as much as 75 percent occur from all cases of brain tumor) that cause comes from the brain and brain cancer is secondary (25 percent of all cases of cancer of the brain) that emerged from other parts of the body and spreads to the brain.

About 40 percent of brain cancer beginning of buffer neurons i.e. Glial tumor cells. Glial cell tumors including U astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, primary glia tumor glioma, medulloblastoma, and ventricular meningiomas.
Type of secondary brain cancer is usually caused by the spread of other cancers, such as breast cancer, lung, kidney, colon, and melanoma on the skin. Brain cancer is a condition that cannot be avoided but most can be treated if detected early on.
How often is brain cancer occur?
Secondary brain cancer is more common in adults. Primary brain cancer can strike anyone but more often for children aged under 15 years of age and people middle-aged.
Signs symptoms of &
What are the signs and symptoms of brain cancer?
Prolonged headache is common symptoms of brain cancer because the tumors grow pressing skull. The headaches usually happened in the morning after waking up and getting hurt when coughing and sneezing.
Other symptoms depend on the location of the tumor, but can also lead to changes in your daily habits. The following are symptoms of brain cancer:
• headaches, especially in the morning. Headaches can be mild or even feels heavy
• muscle weakness that often occurs on one side of the body
• Paresthesia, the body as feeling like a punctured needle and tingling
• difficult to balance and Body coordination in the movement of the body is a mess
• difficulty walking, sometimes also arms and legs become weak
• Seizures Symptoms and signs of brain cancer more that might occur include:
• mental status changes. This can be a change in concentration, memory, attention, even confusion without cause
• Feel nausea and vomiting in the morning mainly with vertigo can be caused by
• the vision Abnormalities (e.g., double vision, blurred vision, loss of peripheral vision)
• Difficulty speaking (caused by disorders of the voice)
• gradual Changes in intellectual or emotional capacity. For example, difficult or experiencing the inability to talk with don't understand by what opponents interlocutor said.
In many people, the above symptoms may be overlooked because the symptoms didn't last. Symptoms of brain cancer can grow up and running long, but sometimes, these symptoms may also appear more quickly.
In some cases, people might think the symptoms of brain cancer is a condition experienced by a stroke, but not. In some patients, symptoms may be more pronounced, especially if the cancer is located in certain brain lobe, which is usually responsible for bodily functions.
Other symptoms might not be mentioned above. If you have questions about particular symptoms, immediate consultations doctor.
When should I see a doctor?
Go to a doctor or hospital immediately if you experience dizziness, sometimes accompanied by convulsions, or other symptoms mentioned above.
Symptoms and signs that can vary for each person. Discuss with your doctor about an agreed method of diagnosis, treatment, and certainly the best treatment for you.
Stage Of Cancer
Stage of the development stage of cancer
Growth and brain cancer symptoms vary, depending on the stage of development of cancer. The cells in a tumor that grows fast and aggressive are usually seen in on the microscope looks abnormal.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) using a system to classify the assessment stage of the malignant tumor. The following stadium ya:
• Stage i: the Cancer Network in the brain is still benign. The cells look nearly like normal brain cells, and cell growth tends to slow.
• Stage II: Cancer Network has started. Cancer cells began to look normal, not unlike cancer cells stage 1.
• Stage III: the cancer is malignant Tissue has cells that look very different from normal cells. These abnormal cells are known as anaplastic and started growing actively at this stage.
• Stage IV: malignant cancer Network began to show abnormal cells growing in a clear and aggressive or very quickly.
To determine the growth and development of tumors in the brain, doctors focus on the characteristics of the tumor and its effect on brain function. The main factors used to assess brain tumors include:
• the size and location of the tumor or cancer in the brain
• the type of cell or tissue or what affect the brain
• Resectability (the possibility of how big the tumor can be removed through cancer surgery)
through cancer surgery)

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