Understanding Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is cancer that grows in cells in the cervix. This cancer occurs when the cells in the cervix cervical aliases that are not normal, and it is growing steadily with uncontrolled. These abnormal cells could develop quickly resulting in cervical tumors. A malignant tumor that later developed so the cause of cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occurs in women around the world. According to the data of Ministry of the health of Indonesia, at least 15000 cervical cancer cases occur each year in Indonesia.
However, routine Pap smear tests can help identify cervical cancer early. Unfortunately, cervical cancer rarely shows symptoms in the early stages. New symptoms appear when cancer has begun to spread and entered the stage of advanced stage. In many cases of cervical cancer are associated with sexually transmitted infections (STI).

Symptoms Of Cervical Cancer
In the early stages, women with cervical cancer early and pre-cancer will not experience symptoms. The reason, cervical cancer do not show symptoms until the tumors to form. The tumor could then pushes the organ around and disturb the healthy cells. The following symptoms of cervical cancer which is needed to watch out for
• unusual Bleeding from Miss V.
• menstrual cycles so irregularly.
• pain in the pelvis (lower abdomen).
• Pain during sex or having sex.
• pain in the lumbar (lower back) or legs.
• Body limp and easily tired.
• decreased weight when not being on a diet.
• loss of appetite.
• Liquid Miss V abnormal, as it smells pungent or accompanied by blood.
• one foot swell.
The Cause Of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer caused by Human human papillomavirus (HPV). Viral infections tend to increase in people who had sexual intercourse with many partners. Risky sexual behavior, such as sex without a condom or sharing sex toys (sex toys) also makes a person susceptible to have cervical cancer. In addition, women who never get the vaccine (immunization) HPV naturally more vulnerable HPV infected could be the cause of cervical cancer.
The type and Stage of cervical cancer
The detection of different types of cervical cancer that her patients will help doctors in providing proper handling. There are two types of cervical cancer that need to look out for, including:
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (KSS). KSS is a type of cervical cancer is most often the case. KSS begins in the squamous cell, i.e. cells that line the outside of the cervix.
Adenocarcinoma. This type of cervical cancer begins in gland cells in the cervical canal.
Whereas, stage or staging is used to describe the rate of spread of cancer. The higher the stage of cancer, the more widespread species. There are four types of cervical cancer stages that need to be controlled, i.e., stadium 1, 2, 3, and 4 stage (final stage, indicating cancer has already spread to other body tissues and organs).

Risk Factors Of Cervical Cancer
• hereditary factors.
• Age, especially women aged 40 years and over.
• smoking.
• Lack of fruit and vegetable consumption.
• excess body weight (obesity).
• the use of contraceptives (birth control pills) drink long term.
• The frequency of pregnancy and childbirth.
• pregnant or gave birth at a very young age.
• certain medical conditions, such as infection with chlamydia.
• the consumption of certain drugs, such as the treatment of HIV/AIDS or diethylstilbestrol (DES).
Diagnosis Of Cervical Cancer
Diagnosis of cervical cancer with the Pap smear test is upheld. The doctor may do other tests to see cancer cells or cervical cancer in pre-if test pap smear shows cells changes, such as malfunctions colposcopy and biopsy. When doctors discovered the existence of the potential cervical cancer, the doctor will then examine how severe conditions (stage stadium) cancer. The test can include things below.
• Check the uterus, Miss V, rectum, and urinary when there is cancer.

• blood tests to check the condition of the surrounding organs, such as bone, blood, and kidneys.
• Test scanning, namely with the technology of Computerised tomography (CT) scans, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, X rays, and Positive Emission Tomography (PET) scans. The purpose of this test is to identify cancer tumors and in cancer cells have spread (metastasized).

The Treatment Of Cervical Cancer
If the doctor already confirms cervical cancer, there are several treatment options that can be done. Among others with surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Prevention Of Cervical Cancer
• Routine pap smear checks
• Get HPV vaccination
• avoid smoking
• Do the safe sex by using condoms.
• maintain the cleanliness of the intimate area of femininity

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