Men Should Know About Women Menstruation

Six things that men should know about women menstruation
1. Not just blood
The women are of course already knew about this, but most men do not know what happens when a woman's menstruation.

Every month, the endometrium, or lining of the uterus of women experiencing decay. During her menstrual cycle, this wall will thicken to prepare for receiving eggs already fertilized.
If fertilization does not occur, a woman's body will not require an extra network. This extra network will be released when her menstrual period, which usually lasts 2-7 days.
2. Time setting can enhance the potential for pregnancy
Basic biology lesson: to be able to get pregnant, the eggs of women must meet with the sperm of men. This can only occur at the time of ovulation when an egg off the free from the ovary.
Exactly when a woman is an Ovulating cycle, depending on the length or the number of days between menstrual periods. If your partner's women have an average of 28 days between her menstruation, she will usually ovulate on the 14th day.
However, women's eggs can survive up to 48 hours until after ovulation and sperm can survive for 72 hours after ejaculation. Such an explanation Linda Bradley, M.D., Director of the Fibroid and Menstrual Disorders Center at Cleveland Clinic.
So, if a woman ovulates on the 14th day, she can still get pregnant after having sex on day 11 to day 16.
3. a woman can get pregnant menstrual time tap
Never heard that having sex while a menstruating woman will not cause pregnancy? It is merely a myth because according to Nathaniel DeNicola, M.D., an obstetrician, and gynecologist from Penn Medicine, not all women have a regular cycle.
A woman with a short cycle, for example, can ovulate directly after he finished menstruation. So when the two of you had sex on the day menstrual signal posted, odds are Your sperm will be long enough until the eggs are released. That, of course, can lead to pregnancy.
Not to mention, if your cycle is irregular, difficulty women can distinguish the first day her menstruation with spotting (blood spots) commonly occur when a woman is Ovulating. And, if you have sex during this period, meaning that he is thus being fertile fertility.
Outline: If you do not want to be a father, use birth control every time you and your partner have sex, even though the pair are menstrual though.
4. Women can still be "menstrual " and stay pregnant
 "Instead of impossible to experience menstruation, while her uterus wall, as well as reduce body experiencing pregnancy at the same time, " said Dr. DeNicola.  "But, it is very possible to see patches of blood (spotting), which might look like the blood of menstruation, during pregnancy."
According to a research by the year 2012 in China, 24 percent of the women reported experiencing their first trimester bleeding. This could be caused by an already fertilized egg plantings on the uterus or hormonal changes in respect of pregnancy.
However, it could also indicate the killings of something more serious, such as problems with the placenta, or a sign of miscarriage, it's clear Dr. DeNicola.
5. Cramps indeed really painful
A study from Italy finds, more than 80 percent of the young women reported experiencing cramps while menstruating. And approximately one in three women experience great pain to the point that they can't work or leave the House.
When a woman starts menstruation, levels of a chemical called prostaglandin, is increasing, "said Dr. Bradley. This aims to help the uterus contracting to reduce body walls.
However, it last also cause cramps, which usually feels like the pain of impaled on an ongoing basis--which spread from the lower abdomen, towards the back and thighs.
This could make women feel very uncomfortable and in pain.
6. PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) is real
If Your woman suddenly becomes more grumpy, try to avoid making jokes in connection with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The premenstrual syndrome usually occurs in approximately one week before and could make a woman feel  "messy ".
The researchers do not know what exactly the cause of PMS, but it looks like it is related to the great loss in increasing hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body.
Some women can be very sensitive to these changes, said Dr. DeNicola. So, they usually experience a symptom related to PMS: fatigue, mood swings, appetite increases, more sensitive breasts, cramps, Achy, and restless.

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