Menstrual Periods Is Not Smooth.

Menstruation is not smooth or irregular menstruation, is a condition when the menstrual cycle becomes slower, more quickly, passing a couple of months, or not even happen at all. Menstruation is the process of all only the wall of the uterus which is accompanied by bleeding, usually, occur during the 3-7 day.

The normal menstrual cycle occurs every 28-36 days and lasts as much as 11-13 times in one year. A woman's menstrual cycle each had varied experience, it can be shorter or longer.
Menstrual Type None
Menstruation is said to be not smooth or irregular cycle occurs in less than 21 days or more than 35 days. It could also not be classified menstrual smoothly when changing the menstrual duration each month. Blood volume is not the same, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot and is also one form of menstruation is not smooth.
Menstruation does not usually occur in smoothly the first few years after entering but if menstruation does not occur smoothly in the first few years you are experiencing menstruation, then it can be described u.s. irregular menstruation, which can be classified into several types.
• Polymenorrhea is a menstrual cycle that lasted less than 21 days.
• Oligomenorrhea is a condition when the menstrual cycle so much longer, or menstruation does not occur more than 35 days, but less than 90 days.
• Amenorrhea is a condition when not experiencing menstruation within 3 months in a row.
• Menstrual bleeding, Metrorrhagia is lasting longer and more blood volume.
What causes Menstruation Not Smoothly?
The following are some things that can be the cause of menstruation is not smooth or irregular, among others:

Leading up to menopause, menstruation can be smooth. This is because the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body become irregular.
Pregnancy will occur If Your menstruation stopped or late, tried to do the examination to make sure if you are pregnant. The doctor will usually recommend for the pregnancy test and ultrasound.

Using contraceptives, such as the IUD (spiral) or birth control pills, can indeed lead to changes in the form of spots between the menstrual cycle. IUD can cause blood comes out a lot more than usual or abdominal pain at the time of menstruation. It can also happen to discharge a little bit of blood at the beginning of the use of birth control pills, but this will stop after a few months of use.

Patterns of daily living
If you're doing excessive exercise or your body weight dropped drastically, it could cause the menstruation is not smooth or irregular. Similarly, with excess weight or obesity. Not only is weight changes, but stress can also affect Your menstrual cycle.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
(PCOS) is a collection of symptoms caused by the formation of tiny cysts in the ovaries. The presence of this hormone will make the cyst becomes unbalanced. Testosterone can be increased beyond normal, which is supposed to be in women there is only a little testosterone. Abnormality also occurs in the process of the release of the egg. This resulted in women with PCOS is not experiencing menstruation, or experiencing menstruation blood coming out just a little.

Problem on thyroid
On the part of your neck, there is a thyroid gland that produces hormones that can regulate body metabolism. If your thyroid is problematic, then the menstruation you will also be affected. Consult it to the endocrine specialist. The doctor will do a blood test to see how the hormone levels in your blood.

How To Cope With Menstruation Is Not Smooth
Treatment for menstrual handle does not need to be adjusted smoothly with the cause. Here's how you can do to cope with menstruation is not smooth or irregular.
• Change your lifestyle.
• Replace the contraceptives.
• Do the thyroid treatment.
• Do the treatment polycystic ovarian syndrome, for example, to control the hormone levels or diabetes. In addition, lose weight in a healthy way, if you suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome with excess body weight.
• Conduct counseling if you are experiencing stress causes weight plummeted.• If you plan to have children, consult a doctor to get a medical examination and treatment. The doctor will probably recommend hormonal therapy for triggering ovulation is back to normal.

If you experience unusual bleeding at the time of menstruation up to the need to replace the pads every hour, Your menstruation occurs for more than 7 days, or when you experience spots after performing an intimate relationship, immediately contact a doctor for getting further examination.

1 Response to "Menstrual Periods Is Not Smooth."

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