Black Blood Menstrual

When menstruating, normally the blood that comes out is red. But what if you're experiencing precisely the color black menstrual blood. The daughter who was above 11 or 14 years, possibly already visited by regular guests who come every month. The arrival of guests, usually called the menstrual period usually lasts for three to five days, with a distance of about 21-35 days. 

When menstruation, menstrual blood will come out from the woman's vagina. The blood is mixed with the lining of the uterus that falls because of the absence of egg fertilization by sperm.

Black Menstrual Blood
The true menstrual blood is red, but if it turns out that menstrual blood is black, you don't immediately panic. Sometimes menstrual blood could be dark brown or almost black. In most cases, Brown menstrual blood is totally normal.
Throughout the menstrual cycle, the color and consistency of blood can be changed. Menstrual blood could be liquid and a bit, but can also be thickened and came out with a heavy or much at all. Menstrual blood can also be colored bright red, Brown, or dark-colored.
Usually, blood dark brown or almost black appeared towards the end of Your menstrual cycle. Color black or brown menstrual blood is normal discoloration. This happens because the blood of menstruation is already aged longer is not removed from the body quickly.
In other words, when the body of the uterus in the first few days of the menstrual cycle, blood is usually colored red. But at the end of the menstrual cycle, blood is old blood issued and may change color.
And sometimes, the swelling or blood can appear brown in the middle of your menstrual cycle (when you are not menstruating). It is more common in older women who are new to menstruation, women who were using contraceptives, or women approaching the menopause period.
When To Worry?
As mentioned above, the changes will be the color of menstrual blood or black menstrual blood is often a normal thing. But there are several problems that may cause discoloration of the menstrual blood, such as miscarriage, uterine a stretch when pregnant and did not return to its original size, the flow of menstrual blood from the uterus to the vagina is hampered or obstructed, or menopause.
The problem happens when menstruation or menstruation rarely becomes serious. However, it is advisable to immediately seek advice and treatment from a doctor if irregular or menstrual blood often out beyond the time of menstruation. You also recommended alert if during menstruation feel dizzy, fatigue when running normal activity, skin pallor, and pale-colored Nail Polish (not pink).
Generally, menstrual blood is black is a reasonable thing to happen. You don't need to worry too much if the discoloration of menstrual blood, but if the discoloration of blood accompanied by other symptoms and you feel in doubt, check with your doctor immediately.
Here are some of the meaning of the color of menstrual blood
Have you ever wondered why you often menstrual color different? Ladies, it turns the color of menstrual blood can indicate a health condition you, who. Here are 8 colors of menstruation and the meaning behind it.

Red Light
The colors usually you see in the middle of the menstrual cycle is very normal, because it means that fresh blood from the network layer of the uterine wall you are being eroded. But if you're always experiencing cramping that badly enough or intense pains that you can't live your daily activities, you should visit a gynecologist to check for other reasons behind it.
If your menstrual blood clotted like Strawberry Jam, that's a telltale sign that the body you are experiencing imbalance Horman progesterone and estrogen.

Dark red
The longer the menstrual blood stored in the womb, the darker the color when logged out. Therefore, you will often see dark red color when waking up in the morning or when blood flows you more than usual. The color can also be demonstrated that the lining of the uterine wall tissue has diminished and become a sign that the menstrual cycle you want to complete.

Pink blood that can occur when a shorter menstrual cycle or when menstruation you less than usual. Pink blood could also be an indication that the levels of estrogen in the body are low. If you are stressed, vigorous exercise, or undergo drastic weight changes? These factors may be the reason. If each month you short menstrual cycles, it could mean that you lack vitamin and nutrient intake. Expand the consumption of protein-rich foods like yogurt and almonds.

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