
Menstruation is a natural cycle that happens to a woman's body. This cycle will generally appear about every 4 weeks, starting from day one to start the first day of menstruation next arrived. However, not all women experience the same cycle. Mentruasi cycle sometimes can come faster or slower with the difference that ranges between 21 and 35 days.

 The hormone estrogen in a woman's body will increase at each menstrual cycle to prepare to face the possibility of pregnancy. The time of ovulation or the release of the egg from the ovary and the uterine wall will occur will thicken.
If not fertilized, the egg will be absorbed by the body and the wall of the uterus to thicken already decays, then flows out of the body mixed with the blood. The process of discharge of blood from the vagina this is called menstruation or menstruation.
The Age Of The First Mentruasi
Menstrual cycle first happened on teenage girls as they enter puberty, usually beginning at the age of 12 years or approximately 2-3 years after the breasts begin to grow. Age of the first menstrual experienced by a girl also generally occur at the same age as their mother or older sister.
The first menstruation sometimes can come sooner or later. Anyone experienced it since around the age of 8 years and there is a new experience it over the age of 12 years. However, the majority of teenage girls are already experiencing menstrual period regularly at the age of 16 to 18 years old.
Menstruation will continue until menopause arrives. Menopause generally occurs in women aged 40 years until the middle of the age of 50 years.
The symptoms of the menstrual cycle on the Prahalad Syndrome (PMS)
In the menstrual cycle, changes in hormone levels in a woman's body will occur (especially in the days before menstruation). The above-mentioned amount of hormones can affect the physical and emotion that can sometimes appear for days before menstruation. These symptoms are called prepaid syndrome (PMS).
A number of physical and emotional changes that usually appear before menstruation to take place are:
• tired.
• a headache.
• flatulence.
• sensitive Breasts.
• weight gain.
• pain in the muscles and joints.
• weight gain due to fluid buildup.
• diarrhea or constipation.
• Acne Appears.
While the change of emotions that can occur when women experience a syndrome of prepaid are:
• depression.
• Often grumpy.
• unstable mood.
• concentration Difficult.
• Easy to cry.
• Insomnia.
• Change in appetite.
• excessive Anxiety.
• The decline in confidence.
• declining sex Passion.
During menstruation, women may experience bleeding from the vagina for approximately 2 days to one week with blood volume averages about 30-70 ml. But there are some women who bleed more. Most bleeding volume during menstruation usually occurs on the first and second.
Menstruation may also change, depending on your condition. This change was indeed needed not be troubled, for not necessarily indicate a health problem. However, you are encouraged to keep it checked a doctor when experiencing the condition of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
During menstruation, pain or stomach cramps may also occur. If you experience pain or stomach cramps that interfere with daily activities was felt, a number of the following can be beneficial to decrease it:
• Warm the belly, for example with a warm water compress.
• gentle exercise, such as walking or cycling.
• Massage the lower abdomen.
• Drinking pain reliever medication (analgesic), for example, paracetamol.
• quit smoking.
• Do relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation.
• Avoid drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol.
Abnormalities in the menstrual cycle
The duration and volume of bleeding in menstrual cycle experienced by each woman are different. Each woman is recommended to observe or record the menstruating cycle in order to be immediately aware if it appears a certain awkwardness. The menstrual cycle of unusual or excessive blood volume can sometimes indicate the presence of complications or health problems. Menstrual problems in common are divided into four categories, namely:
Menorrhagia is excessive blood volume while menstruating. Some of the symptoms in this condition are:
• the Volume of the blood so much that must replace the pads every hour and lasts for several hours.
• must use two pads to accommodate the bleeding.
• Need to get up to change the bandage on while sleeping.
• Experiencing symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue or shortness of breath.
• Duration of menstruation that lasts more than 7 days.
• Removing the clot-large blood clots for over a day.
• Forced to restrict the routines because of the volume of blood loss.

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