Detect Cervical Cancer Symptom 3

Cervical cancer is cancer that arises in the cervix due to abnormal cell changes on the cervix, which 99% of which are caused by the HPV virus. There are about more than 100 types of HPV, most are malignant or cancerous, as it can cause cancer of the pubic lips and cervical cancer.  There is also which is not malignant, it generally causes genital warts.  The majority of cervical cancer disease caused by HPV types 16 and 18.

Anyone who is exposed to the risk of cervical cancer?
HPV infection can happen to anyone regardless of age. Many people are exposed to HPV virus in her body didn't feel any signs or symptoms, so they can transmit the virus without knowing it.
Not all women are infected with HPV will suffer from cervical cancer.  A good immune system capable of clearing the infection HPV. However, research shows that only 50% of women who have immunity to HPV and those not immune can protect against recurrent infections so that it can develop into cancer in the past few years.
In addition to the presence of HPV, other factors such as lifestyle also play an important role in the development of cervical cancer.
Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer
In the early stages of cervical cancer, in general, there is usually no signs or symptoms appear. This is why women are advised to regularly undergo pap smears to detect early if there are problems in cervical lesions such as pre-cancer.

Read Too : Breast Cancer
Cervical cancer symptoms are more obvious new look will appear or be felt if the cancer cells had already spread through to the inside of the cervical tissue. These symptoms appear when the cell pre-cancer is left untreated and thus develop into cervical cancer that is malignant.
Some of the symptoms of cervical cancer include:
1. Bleeding from vagina
Bleeding that occurs outside of our normal menstrual cycle is one of the symptoms of cervical cancer. For example, suddenly out of blood from the vagina when you are not menstruating. Or excessive pain and blood came out after sexual intercourse. Bleeding that occurs after Your menopause can also be a sign of the presence of cervical cancer.
Discharge of blood from the vagina is usually the first sign that awareness on cervical cancer, but the disease tends to be not too taken seriously and just counted the spots just by most women.
2. Discharge of fluids from the vagina is not natural
In addition to bleeding, abnormal fluid discharge from the vagina is another symptom of cervical cancer. The liquid that comes out is usually:
• white milk or clear, can also lightly browned
• shaped like water or diluted
• foul Smelling
• Discharge of liquid also comes with blood and pus
3. Advanced Symptoms
Bleeding and discharge of fluids from the vagina is a symptom of cervical cancer in the beginning. If not addressed, more severe symptoms can appear at a higher stage of cancer. Symptoms such as:
• pain in the back
• pain in the pelvis
• the difficulty of urination and defecation
• swelling in one or both legs
• Feel limp
• weight loss that all of a sudden and unplanned
How to prevent cervical cancer and HPV?
According to WHO, there are two things you can do to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer.
The primary precautions or most importantly to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer HPV vaccination is to do. HPV vaccination to make the body to form antibodies against the virus HPV, so viruses that enter will die and not to cause cervical cancer.
HPV vaccination is recommended to be done as early as possible starting age of 9 years because this vaccine is best given before sexual intercourse. Additionally, on the age of the child and adolescent, the response of the body in the form of antibodies is the most good.
Not only women, but men can also be affected by HPV infections so that men should also consider receiving the vaccine. Men can suffer from diseases caused by HPV cancers such as cancer of the anus, penis, and diseases of genital warts (genital warts).
For women who are married, it is recommended to perform a periodical examination or screening through pap smear tests and IVA, the test is aimed to know as early as possible whether there is/cervical abnormality. In the early stages of cervical cancer or HPV infection generally, do not show symptoms. New cancer usually is detected when it was at an advanced stage at which the cancer cells had already spread
Therefore, it is important to do this test at regular intervals so that the slightest abnormality in cervical can be solved and detected early on.
Therefore, it is advisable for women to test periodically.

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