How to Prevent Cancer Naturally

Cancer is a disease that is very dangerous and often haunts many people, but someone getting cancer does not mean they will be sentenced to death. Because in some cases many patients can be cured. Foods containing antioxidants thought to fight cancer, and antioxidants can be obtained from green tea, white pepper, and fish. In addition to this lifestyle avoiding harmful radiation also believed was a safe way of cancer.
Ways to prevent cancer naturally:

1. Avoid smoking
Smoking can lead to cancer, it is already clear. Did you know that the use of the existing tobacco in cigarettes is contributing one-third section of the community who died of cancer? This is a pretty big number. Very clearly the smoking has a negative impact on health and has been widely known that not only a potentially cancer stood a body of smokers, but there are still many other diseases.
Smoking causes cancer is included in a number of cancers such as lung cancer, throat cancer, oral cancer, pancreas, kidney, bladder, prostate, cervical cancer, colon cancer, cancer of the tongue, and rectum. So, to smokers, the impact will be aware of this.

2. Consume fruit and vegetable
Vegetables and fruit are indeed proven will give health to the body, a study stating that people who consume foods with high fiber levels such as green vegetables, fruits, or with low-fat meat, then they will have much less risk of developing various cancers.
What is cancer that you can avoid by consuming vegetables and fruit? At least there are prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer that you can avoid when consuming vegetables and fruit on a regular basis.

3. Keep your weight to keep the ideal
Usually overweight it will give rise to various risks such as high cholesterol, high cholesterol can cause the onset of various diseases, including cancer. As for cancer that is common in people who are obese as kidney cancer, endometrial, esophageal, colon cancer, rectal cancer, cervical cancer, breast, and other organs.
Worse because if the more obese a person then it will be the higher the risk of developing cancer, of course, not all obese people will be stricken with cancer. So, for those of you who are currently obese, no worries.
4. Exercise regularly
It is also concerned with how to prevent cancer in 3 points because exercising can lower high cholesterol so that exercising regularly can prevent cancer. A research shows that exercising for 30 minutes a day is a very important thing, the way it was shown to lower the risk of colon cancer and perhaps even breast cancer.

5. Limit alcohol intake
Actually, not a limit but do not use it at all, alcohol can cause liver cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, cancer of the colon, rectum, pharynx, larynx, mouth, throat and esophagus. Especially if this alcohol mixed with tobacco, it will be increasingly entered into the great risk of cancer.

6. Avoid sun exposure
Exposed to the Sun continuously is extremely harmful to the body, especially on the part of the skin. Research reveals that the effects of excessive sun exposure are the number one cause of skin cancer.
Limit the time under the Sun continuously, if it does you should be under the rays of the Sun because the affair work for example, then we recommend that you wear the protective skin. Try to continue to wear protective gear when you should be dealing with the Sun directly, for a woman, it would be better to use the hijab if they wish to make on the go.

7. Avoid carcinogens
Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer, avoid these substances by way of purging your environment from toxic chemicals and various causes of cancer. Make sure that the air and the water you drink is something hygienic, eating foods free of nitrates, toxins, and pesticides as well as free from radiation exposure. Don't forget you must also be careful with preservatives and dyes in food.
Maybe you've often heard the term, it is better to prevent than treat. The term is, of course, correct, prevent it better because it is more easily done than to have to treat. Especially for cancer, because if cancer already engorged and entered an advanced stage, they usually have to do surgery, and even then with the possibility of recovering the child. Compare if you prevent it from early on. It's easier, isn't it? Moreover, usually when it's getting cancer means indeed struggled between life and death.

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