A Healthy Lifestyle can lower the risk of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the biggest Bugaboo for women. In addition to being caused by genetic factors, the development of cancer is strongly influenced by the lifestyle you live. The good news, the disease of cervical cancer is one of the many cancers that can be prevented by vaccination, i.e. the HPV vaccine. But what about the diet and a healthy lifestyle? Is it possible to prevent cervical cancer by living healthy?

A healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of cervical cancer
According to an article published in Nutrition Journal, about 30 to 40 percent of cancers can be prevented by changes in diet and lifestyle. Although there is no particular food that can prevent cervical cancer, some of this healthy lifestyle can help lower your risk of getting cancer treatment.
1. Sports
It's been no secret when workouts provide myriad benefits for you. In addition to maintaining body fitness, exercise can also maintain your weight and address the buildup of fat throughout the body. Because of people with overweight more at risk of developing cancer.
When you don't have much time to work out, you can still move actively through the simple things each day as the walk to the bus stop, pick up the stairs rather than the elevator Office, or routinely doing their homework before going to the Office.
2. Stop smoking
In addition to preventing cancer of the throat and lungs, attempts to stop smoking can also keep you from cervical cancer. A study reported that women smokers risk twice as large for the affected cervical cancer compared with non-smokers. This is because smoking can lower your immune system function often lead to the development of cervical cancer.
3. Maintain a healthy diet
A study published in Nutrition and Cancer found that those who consumed foods rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, folate, carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber has decreased the risk of cervical cancer of 40 to 60 percent. The reported substances can help clear the HPV infection by inhibiting faster changes to the cervical cells into cancerous cells.
Well, the benefits of such substances could you get by consuming fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Some examples of vegetables-lowering the risk of cervical cancer are broccoli, cabbage, garlic, red onion, lettuce, spinach, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin. While the list of fruit can you consume is avocado, apples, strawberries, orange juice.
If you are a fan of tea, try to replace it with green tea that can help prevent cervical cancer affected You.
4. Undergo a pap smear test
If You've been sexually active, then you are obliged to undergo a pap smear test. The reason, the test is useful to look at the possibility of the development of cervical cancer. Through pap smear tests, Your obstetrician will take samples of cervical cells are You likely to find cells that can turn into cancer. So, when there is precancerous cell are suspected, then these cells could soon be removed.
The American Cancer Society recommends that from the age of 21 years, women should undergo pap smear every three years up to the age of 29 years. After that, you do routine pap smears are recommended until the age of 65 years in the span of 3-5 years. The more the beginning you did a pap smear, the more you can prevent cancer cells from growing more severe.
However, although the lifestyle and diet of the above can reduce the risk of the formation of cervical cancer, this could not prevent viral infection HPV is a cause of cervical cancer is taro. Because of that, you still need the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.

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