Prevent Cancer with Lime

Lime also has a myriad of health benefits that are dear to miss. Yuk, check out the various benefits of limes below.

Various benefits of limes
Lime citrus fruit is one that is often used as a flavor enhancer in their food. The fruit of this one is most commonly used in the cuisines of Mexico, Viet Nam, and Thailand.
Orange lemon contains vitamin C in abundance. Lime with a diameter of about 5 cm already meets 32 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C and a variety of other important nutrients in lime make this one fruit have a myriad of benefits to health.
Following the various benefits of lime that you need to know:
1. Rejuvenate skin
skin care night
Numerous compounds contained in the lime makes it the right choice for skin care. Yes, the content of vitamin C and flavonoids are abundant in the fruit of this one can help overcome a range of skin problems, such as fight free radicals cause inflammation, brighten the skin, and reduces scars wrinkles in the face. Not only that, but vitamin C is also an important vitamin that helps produce collagen so skin is softer and chewy.
Though the lime is beneficial for the skin, do not carelessly use fruit on this one. Lime should not be rubbed directly onto the skin as this may cause irritation. Especially if you have sensitive skin. Instead of getting the skin smooth and clean, it is precisely this makes your skin is getting damaged.
Basically, all citrus fruits will make your skin becomes more sensitive to the Sun. Limes could trigger the kind of severe rash called phytophotodermatitis. Phytophotodermatitis is a condition that occurs when the chemicals contained in certain types of plants caused or inflamed skin is burned when hit by sunlight.

2. Launch the digestion
the enzyme on digestion
The content of flavonoids in the lime also helps boost the production of enzymes needed to break down food in the body. Anybody so no need to hoard too many leftover toxins and food. The acidic properties owned lime also improves the secretion of saliva to break down food to be digested by the digestive system.
The benefit is, of course, good for people who often have constipation.  However, do not always use lime to continue to drain the stomach and streamline your digestion. Can-can, you instead so excessive heartburn. In addition, if you have GERD, drink a glass of warm water that is already mixed with 2 teaspoons of the juice of limes and honey 30 minutes before a meal can help prevent recurrence of symptoms of stomach acid to rise.

3. Help lose weight
weight hard down
Who does not want to lose a few pounds or maintain your ideal weight? Unfortunately, losing weight is easier said than done.

Don't get discouraged, because one of the benefits of lime that is most sought help losing weight. The citric acid in lime content can increase the body's metabolism, burn more calories and store less fat.
However, don't expect that lime can act like a miracle drug that directly can lose weight. Because the benefits of lime this one will not be meaningful if you don't compensate with regular exercise and keep your eating patterns. Yes, active moves on a daily basis and regularly eating portion control are two important things to control as well as lose weight. 

4. increase the body's immune system
healthy food the key mental health

Foods that are high in vitamin C and other antioxidants can help the immune system fight the germs that cause colds or flu, including lime and other citrus fruit.  Vitamin C can help your immune system to produce more healthy cells that can kill microbes and protect the body against disease.

5. Maintaining heart health
prevent heart disease descendants
Lime contains magnesium and potassium is good for improving heart health. Potassium can naturally lower your blood pressure and improve blood circulation, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, the content of vitamin C in lemon is also often associated with a decrease in risk of death from cardiovascular disease, although other nutrients in fruits and vegetables, such as fiber, are also thought to play a role.
In a study in animals that are published in the journal Atherosclerosis, lime juice and Peel proved to reduce the layer of fat that is found on the coronary arteries.

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