The secret of the negative

Everyone had a secret, good or bad, big or small. In the right portion, the secret is actually needed. There are things that are not known to co-workers or superiors, there are also things that are only worth a known family. Some things are positive, even as a surprise gift for secret PAL.

But, keep a secret bad, such as infidelity, lies, or mistakes that harm others, it can make you feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, too many secrets not impossible can interfere with your welfare.
• Secret makes it Quiet
Sometimes these secrets started from situations that you can't handle yourself, but you do not want others to know. Knowingly or not, too many negative will keep a secret makes you feel these situations:
• Continue to think about the secret
The more you tried to hide it, so the more often given the secret of it. Especially if you often interact with the person whom you think may not know the secret.
• Have to pretend
Not infrequently, keep a secret makes you have to pretend in front of other people. The time of your actual pretend, tend to be at odds with what you feel. If done continuously, it can create a mood so bad. In the long run, you feel that your life so unpleasant and can create stress.
• Affect the happiness and health
The researchers found that the more often a person think of the secret, the level of happiness and health will tend to decrease. In addition, in other studies, it was found that kept secrets from the spouse can also affect the quality of life, based on a specific person think of the secret.
It is not an impossible situation above will make you more prone to depression. In the long run, you could be experiencing the interference patterns of eating and sleeping or undergo a bad habit like drinking liquor or alcohol addiction.
• Tips to manage Secrets
Someone afraid of telling the facts about himself because of fear of the reaction of others, fearful look vulnerable and scared the other person's response is different than expected. But keep it themselves can backfire you know for manage it with these methods:
• discuss on someone whom you believe
The secret that was kept because you probably don't want to look bad in front of people you dear and love you. However, people who really love you will accept you what it even helps you to alleviate the issue. Have someone carry will make you feel not alone. In addition to that talk it out with other people can help you see things from a different point of view.
• writing
The benefits of writing can help you identify feelings and it out themselves. You can use a diary filled out daily or occasionally. This diary can be in physical form or online.
• Try to think further
It is important to take time for yourself and think about the big picture of the situation that you face. Whether the issue is worth a time-consuming and mind? Whether 10 years again this issue is still important?
• Perform a useful activity
Exercise, drawing, singing, the streets along with a best friend will make you more relaxed through life.
• Ask for professional help
Psychologist or Counsellor can be more objective as it is not concerned with what will you tell them. Even you can choose an appropriate Counsellor with the situation you're facing, for example, there is a focus on the career, the husband and wife relationship, alcohol abuse, and sexual abuse.
Do not let negative secrets that you save yourself, cause health disorders Yes. Yuk, lower negative secrets so that the mind and life so much lighter.

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