Dangerous! 20 early signs Cancer.

Cancer is considered one of the scary disease. Because up to now not known cancer cause is clear. Treatment and cancer treatment cost is enormous, often inflicting stress on the patient and his family. Actually, there are a few early symptoms to watch out for and worth suspected appearance of cancer in the body. The following is the explanation:

1. Shortness of breath
One of the first sign of a little-known lung cancer patients is the inability to breathe.
2. A chronic cough or chest pain
Some types of cancer, including leukemia and Lung Tumors, can cause symptoms that resemble a cough or bronchitis. Some patients lung cancer reported chest pain that extends to the shoulder or down the sleeves.
3. Frequent infection or fever
It could be signs of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells begins in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes the bone marrow to produce white blood cells are abnormal, the body's infection-fighting ability drain Moms.
4. Difficulty in swallowing
Swallowing problems are most often associated with cancer of the esophagus or throat, and sometimes one of the first sign of lung cancer, too.
5. Swelling of the lymph nodes
Occurring lumps in the neck, armpits, or groin. Enlargement of the lymph nodes showed changes in the lymphatic system which can be a sign of cancer.
6. Excessive Bruising or bleeding that doesn't stop
This symptom usually indicates something that doesn't normally happen with platelets and red blood cells, which can be a sign of leukemia. Over time, urgent leukemia cells red blood cells and platelets are damaging the ability of blood to carry oxygen and blood clots.
7. Weak and exhausted
Weak and fatigue is a symptom of so many types of cancer. The Moms need is to see it in combination with other symptoms. But every time Moms feel suddenly tired but had enough of a break, talk with the doctor Moms.
8. The increase in weight and flatulence
Women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer will often experience flatulence unexplained cause, suddenly and continue.
9. Feeling full and hard-packed
This is another symptom of ovarian cancer, i.e. does not have to talk last meal and even have not eaten for some time.
10. Pelvic pain and abdominal pain
Cramping in the pelvis and abdomen may indicate ovarian cancer. The danger of leukemia can also cause my stomach pain, which is the result of an enlarged spleen.
11. Rectal Bleeding or blood in the stool
This is a common symptom of a colorectal cancer diagnosis. Blood in the stool is a reason to see a doctor immediately and schedule a colonoscopy.
12. Weight loss suddenly
Weight loss is an early sign of colon and other gastrointestinal cancers. It is also a sign of cancer that spreads to the liver, affect appetite and the body's ability to rid itself of Moms waste.
13. Abdominal pain
Stomach cramps or abdominal pain can often indicate colorectal cancer.
14. red, sore Breasts, or swelling
These symptoms can indicate breast cancer that is inflamed. Immediately contact your doctor about any changes to Moms.
15. changes in nipple
One of the most common changes that need to look out for every woman diagnosed with breast cancer before it was a nipple that looked flat, upside down, or turned to the side.
16. The painful Menstruation
This could be an early sign of endometrial cancer. Do transvaginal ultrasound if Moms are leery of anything more than the pain of menstruation.
17. Swelling of the face
People who suffer from lung cancer will experience swelling and redness on the face.
Small cell lung tumor blocked blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from the head and face.
18. Pain and lump of skin that does not heal
The bumps appear sick, become crusty or bloody easy to be a sign of skin cancer, melanoma, i.e. basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma. Beware of the examination of the skin all over the body of Moms for growth or spots that looked strange. Patches of brown or black dots under the nails may indicate skin cancer. It is usually also the case with the enlargement of the fingertips of the curved nail to the end can be a sign of lung cancer. Pale or white nail polish can sometimes be a sign of liver cancer.
20. Pain in the back or the right side bottom
Many cancer patients say this is a sign of liver cancer. Breast cancer is also often also diagnosed through back pain, which can occur when breast tumors pressing back and chest or when cancer spreads to the spine or ribs. Moms have to run a healthy lifestyle even before the Moms feel these symptoms. Prevention is the best way in the face of most chronic diseases.

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