The Dangers of Sugar

Did you know sugar can cause various health problems if consumed in excess? Not only diabetes, but there are also various other diseases which are directly or indirectly caused by excess sugar consumption. Following various diseases caused by sugar that can strike you.

1. Heart disease
Diseases caused by sugar the first is heart disease. Chan School of Public Health says the more you are consuming additional sugar then increasing your risk also affected by heart disease. Even in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found the fact the person 17 to 21 percent of the calories come from sugar addition has died of heart disease risks amounting to 38 percent higher.
The relationship between the abundance of sugar consumption and result in heart disease is actually not directly. Eating too much sugar can make your heart work harder. Because liver metabolizes sugar by converting carbohydrates into fat. Eventually, if the habit of consuming excess sugar don't You stop, then the fat will accumulate in the liver in large quantities and lead to the occurrence of the fat liver (fatty liver). Fat of the liver which can increase the risk of heart disease.
In addition, consuming too much sugar can also raise blood pressure and chronic inflammation that trigger heart disease.
2. Obesity
Diseases caused by obesity is becoming a sugar that could be triggering a variety of chronic diseases. According to the British Dietetic Association (SIGNATURE BDA), food and beverages that contain added sugar contain a lot of calories. The more you consume food and drinks that contain sugar, increasingly many calories you consume.
Sugar turns off appetite control system of a person. So usually just once you eat and drink sweet, you can't stop eating sugary foods and wanted more. Unknowingly, the calories consumed can exceed normal limits. As a result, if the habit is left continuously then it is not impossible you are having excess body weight.
In fact, you are not advised to consume sugars more than 10 percent of the daily caloric intake, generally around 70 grams for men and 50 grams for females. While canned fizzy drinks in one-course prepare reach 35 Gr. for it if you want to eat sweet food and drink, use low-calorie sweeteners. In addition, to avoiding blood sugar spikes, this sweetener also doesn't contain a lot of calories that can make you fat quick.
3. the Hyperglycemia
Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar disease as a complication of diabetes. Typically, a variety of factors that can trigger diabetes experienced hyperglycemia i.e. food that is not guarded, less motion, nondiabetes drugs that can raise blood sugar, and skip the blood sugar-lowering drug ingestion or injection of insulin.
Hyperglycemia includes health problems that can be fatal if not immediately treated. Usually, this condition can cause complications in the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart as well. Not only that, but Hyperglycemia can also cause you to have commas.
To that end, in addition, to following different rules taking the medication the doctor recommended, you also need to control the type of food consumed. Try to avoid foods and beverages that contain additional sugar if you already have diabetes to prevent the severity of the condition.
4. Tooth decay
Did you know, sugar is like a magnet for bad bacteria in the mouth. A group of these bacteria produces acid in your mouth every time you eat sugar. These bad bacteria eat sugar that you eat and form plaque on teeth.
Plaque is a soft and sticky coating on the teeth which consists of 70 percent of the bacteria that comes from saliva. The plaque on the teeth that do not disappear with saliva and not lifted when the pH of the mouth makes brushed decreases so that makes it more acidic.
Repeated acid attacks causing loss of minerals in the email. Long-duration, this could undermine and destroy the tooth ultimately email could form a small hole in the tooth. If left, the hole will continue to widen until it spreads to deeper layers of the teeth and can lead to pain.
When teeth start to break you will experience a variety of symptoms such as a toothache, pain when chewing, and teeth sensitive to food and drink sweet, hot, or cold
5. Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease that results in the loss of neurons (brain cells) and synapses (the junction between brain cells) gradually. This condition resulted in a decrease in brain function over time.

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