Keep Your Heart Healthy

Did your father ever stroke? Or, the mother You have heart disease? If Your grandparents never had a heart attack? If the answer is "Yes" to any of the above questions (or maybe more), likely you have risk factors for heart disease.

However, you do not need to worry. Read on this article to find out how to avoid the affected heart disease if you do indeed have a "talent".
The risk of heart disease due to higher on the descendants of the people that her lifestyle is unhealthy
Just as physical characteristics, the risk of heart disease can also be inherited from Your parents. There are many different types of heart diseases that can be passed down in the family tree. For example, heart valve abnormalities, arrhythmias, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.
Your risk for experiencing heart disease if have genes the offspring could be higher than other people who only live a bad lifestyle, but not inherited genes trigger heart disease from a parent or his grandparents
Moreover, the emergence of the disease can happen faster if you have heart disease and descendants also live unhealthy lifestyles such as fatty food eating habits and lack of exercise. In addition, a number of risk factors for heart diseases like high cholesterol and hypertension, also strongly associated with a history of family health.
Then, how do I prevent heart disease risk descent?
For people who have a "talent" of heart disease the key to prevent it is by changing the lifestyle so much healthier, cardiovascular specialists, said Dr. Vito a. SCJP, Damay (K), m. Kes FIHA FICA, who also became a presenter for health on national TV.
"If parents did have cardiovascular disease, in fact, your chances to hit heart disease can lower if accustomed to living a healthy life," says Dr. Vito, when interviewed. In fact, the discipline of living healthy life patterns as early as possible to prevent your chances affected by heart disease in later life.
However, what are the steps that must be taken in order to keep a healthy life and away from the risk of heart disease?

1. Eat foods that are healthy for the heart
If you have any descendants of heart disease, you should take a good look at what you eat and drink every day. In General, you should start to reduce your intake of foods high in salt, fatty foods, greasy foods, cholesterol high, sweet food and drinks, foods and drinks to the process preservative Instead, multiple eating fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds. Also, choose food sources-protein food without fat and foods that are high in omega-3 such as salmon and tuna.
Confused want to start from where? Follow the diet guidelines Mediteriania who was crowned as the healthiest diet for heart
2. Exercise routine to keep your weight
People who are overweight or obese are at risk for experiencing heart disease, particularly heart attack. The reason, piles of fat will inhibit the work of the heart to circulate blood thereby increasing blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for heart disease.
Moreover, while the workload of the heart increases, but the ability to squeeze would diminish. In the end, the heart can not dispense the optimal blood on each heartbeat. When blood pooled in the heart, you can experience the congestive heart failure
To check if your weight is now the ideal or even the risk of obesity, calculate body mass index calculator with Hello healthy. If Your BMI score equals or exceeds 30, this indicates a serious weight problem. Consulting a doctor immediately to make the plan effective exercise in order to lose weight.
3. Routine health checks
Further Dr. Vito emphasizes the importance of health checks (medical checkup) routine to detect the risk of heart disease. Soon the health screening at a nearby hospital starting from the age of 20 years.
Various tests of heart health at the hospital that needs to be lived by those who have the "talent" of heart disease is check tense, ECG heart, cardiac x-rays, and ultrasound of the heart. In addition, you may also need to undergo treadmill test while paired ECG the heart to check for a heart condition while being "forced" to physical activity, until the of the heart to detect coronary heart disease or constriction the arteries of the heart.
If it turns out that the results of a medical checkup the normal or lower your risks, you can return to screening a maximum of 5 years later. But for those of you who are among those at high risk of experiencing heart disease because of the issue, check the overall condition of Your health again in 6 weeks up to 3 months later.

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