Healthy foods for skin

Diverse skin care can indeed make the skin looks smooth and shining. But skin care from outside alone is not enough. You should also be eating healthy food for healthy skin stay awake.
As in other parts of the body, the skin also needs a variety of nutrients. There are various types of foods that can support you have healthy skin, toned, smooth, and glowing.
A Variety Of Food Choices
Here are some healthy foods for skin can be an option:

Fresh strawberry fruit turns out to also bring benefits for skin health. Vitamin C found in the strawberry is capable of keeping the connective tissue under the skin so the skin stays toned and healthy. Other content such as folate (vitamin B), fibers and phytochemicals able to help prevent skin damage due to exposure to free radicals.

•Green tea
The compounds catechins found in green tea is able to work in improving the health of the skin. In addition, green tea is also beneficial in improving moisture and elasticity of the skin. For those who are often exposed to sunlight, the content of antioxidants in green tea can be beneficial. A study shows, taking green tea can reduce the redness of the skin caused by sun exposure.

Healthy food for the next skin is spinach. Spinach contains a wide variety of nutrients needed skin, ranging from vitamin A, vitamin E, antioxidants, and omega 3.  The content of vitamin A in spinach is able to skin, and damming of vitamin E in spinach is able to protect the skin from damage and inflammation due to sunlight. Then the antioxidants in spinach are able to slow down and prevent skin damage due to free radicals. Meanwhile, the omega 3 content in spinach is able to make the skin remains taut because it can help keep the formation of collagen in the skin.

•Olive oil
The ancient Romans believed that by applying olive oil to the skin, can become more smooth and radiant. This is because the nature of the anti-inflammatory and olive oil contains antioxidants. Your breakouts are advised to use facial cleansers containing SOAP olive oil. The content contained on the olive oil SOAP cleaner able to fight acne-causing bacteria so acne that appears can be reduced.

Healthy food for the skin is a pumpkin. This fruit contains a variety of vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E that can neutralize free radicals in the skin, the damming of the skin and prevent wrinkles in the skin. Pumpkins also contain enzymes that can help cleanse the skin, namely carotenoids.
Not only that, there are still many healthy food options for skin that can be consumed. Ranging from apricots, carrots, tomato, Orange, salmon, nuts, legumes, blueberries, salmon, mackerel and various green vegetables.
There is a variety of healthy food for the skin that you can consume. In addition, do not forget the consumption of healthy food for the skin by drinking enough water so that the skin stays hydrated and moist.
After we review some healthy foods above, then how did you? Are you still going to consume food that is not beneficial to health? Better we consume foods that are more beneficial to our health. Especially for the health of our skin. It's so easy and simple so that we stay healthy, do not have to pay a lot of costs in order to perform stay healthy, it is time you start from now before it's all too late. Believe me, health is more important to achieve happiness, why think again, let's start now.

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