Get used to running in the following way

Running sports done correctly and regularly can be a sport that generates the most calorie burning, not to mention the cheap and easy to go anywhere. However, there are a number of things you need to know about getting started, ran, as well as some other important tips.
Although referred to as the most accessible sports, but ran anyway need special tricks and techniques so that the benefits can be had run to its full potential and minimize the risk of injury. Sometimes, the emergence of a sense of weary redundant after performing sports running is not caused by the intensity of the run that exceeds its capacity, but because the technique ran a less precise or preparation.
Then what are the factors that need to be observed in order for the sport to become a beneficial activity run at the same time fun?

• Preparation: shoes, clothes, and heating
Prepare an ideal physical condition and supporting equipment before running. Among these are:
• Eating before exercise
About 1 hour before the start of the sport of running, it is recommended the consumption of foods or drinks containing carbohydrates, such as this is important especially if You run over a distance of 6 km, but if it is not short and ran away, taking food or soft drinks are enough to give energy.

• Warm-up
To reduce the risk of injury, the warm-up for at least five minutes by walk light, on-site roads, or up and down stairs.

• Wear sneakers
You can start running in residential areas, skirting the grounds, or on the treadmill. As a rookie, ran for 5-10 minutes would be an appropriate duration target to achieve. Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes and a good fit with exercise run, as well as according to the size of the feet.

• Wear sports clothes
Wear comfortable sportswear. For women, it could use a special bra for you don't have to buy underwear sport specifically. Short or long sports trousers and shirts that aren't too big or not too tight can be a convenient option.
Good preparation will minimize the risk of injury and make You more physically ready to run.

• Running Technique: combine a run and Walk
Find a running posture that is not contrived. Initially, it is natural if it still feels stiff, but after the more familiar, the body will adjust naturally. The character and customs of each person's body are different, so it's better to find your own style.

• Start by walking
If you are not active and want to start exercising again, walking can be the beginning of the right. After walking for 30 minutes without the constraints, you can try replacing the drive with run slowly, then gradually add the speed up to feel comfortable.

• Starting from the distance and short duration
As a beginner, avoid running too far or for too long because of the risk of causing to start with short duration and distance then stopped. Breathless after running could be a sign that you are running.

• Running with the correct position
Skew the body slightly forward with the hand frozen forms a corner. When did the sport of running, better the tip of the foot or toes than resting on a heel?

• Reduce the pressure
Avoid jumping to relieve pressure on your joints and knees.

• Focus your body weight
Relax your upper body because of the rigid body thus making You run slower. Body weight is concentrated in the central part.

• Breathe properly
Breathe with a good technique. Breathe the air through the nose, fill the spaces in the lungs, then release through the mouth slightly open. A breath of mouth at risk of causing a variety of dust or foreign objects get into the respiratory tract.
Olympic runner novice runners suggested that taking a break to walk 5-10 seconds of every minute. According to him, walk on the sidelines running can become a good cross-training. Increasing exercise often do run, the muscles and joints strengthened, then the ratio of walking and running can be vanishingly rare.
If done regularly, within six months, you may have been able to run long distances. A combination of running and walking can also help prevent fatigue and injury, as well as making You more relaxed doing sports.
While in a sport of technique run to another, it is advised to run for 15 seconds and walking for 45 seconds repeated up to 30 minutes. After you get used to running, you will gradually reduce the time walking and increase the duration of the run.

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