Skin Cancer was abnormalities in the cells of the skin that is caused by
mutations in the DNA of cells, which make rapid cell growth, the age of the cells and the cells lose its base.
Skin cancer generally occurs on the skin that is
often exposed to the Sun, but this condition can also occur on the skin is not
exposed to sunlight directly.
Based on the type of
cell that attacked, skin cancer is divided into three kinds, namely:
• Melanoma. This is a skin
cancer that occurs in the melanocytes or pigment-producing cells of the skin.
Skin cancer melanoma skin cancer is rare
but dangerous.
• Non-melanoma skin cancer.
This is a skin cancer that occurs on a
network other than skin melanocytes. Non-melanoma skin cancer is differentiated into two types as follows:
• Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC, Basal Cell Carcinoma), skin cancers that
occur at the bottom of the epidermis.
Basal cell cancer is a type of non-melanoma cancer is most common in humans.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Squamous
Cell Carcinoma, SCC), skin cancers that occur at the top of the epidermis.
Squamous cell cancer is fairly common, but the frequency was not as much as the
basal cell cancer.
Skin Cancer Symptoms
Skin cancer generally occurs in regions that are often exposed to the
Sun such as the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, and legs. However,
in some cases, skin cancer can also occur in areas that are rarely exposed to
sunlight such as on the palms of the hands and feet, the bottom of the fingers,
even in the genital area. The description is as follows:
• Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC). BCC generally occur in regions that are
often exposed to the Sun such as the face or neck. Basal cell cancer symptoms
which are:
soft and shiny Bumps on the skin.
flat-shaped Lesions on the skin is dark brown or reddish brown like meat.
• Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). SCC also generally occurs in areas
of the skin that is exposed to sunlight. But on a dark-skinned people, squamous cell cancer often occurs on the skin
on the body parts that are rarely exposed to the Sun. Symptoms of SCC, in
General, is as follows.
Hard red bumps on the skin.
on the skin that is flat and hard as the scaly
• Melanoma. Melanoma can grow in any part of the skin, both in normal
skin or in an existing mole that changes become malignant. In men, cancer
melanoma usually appears on the face and
body. Whereas in women, melanoma often appears in the lower limbs. Good on men
and women, melanoma can appear in the skin exposed to the Sun. Melanoma can be
experienced by anyone regardless of the color of his skin. On a dark-skinned people, melanoma generally occurs
on the palms of the hand or the foot and lower part of the finger or toe.
Symptoms of melanoma generally occur is
as follows:
Brown Lumps with black spots on the bumps.
Moles that change size and color or bleed.
• The appearance of
small lesions on the skin with irregular edges
or lesions are red, white, blue, and blue markings.
•The appearance of
dark-colored lesions on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, hands or fingertips
•The appearance of
dark-colored lesions on the mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, vagina, or
The following is a
list of the ABCDE features about melanoma to differentiate it from regular
• Asymmetrical. A form of
melanoma generally asymmetrical if compared with ordinary moles.
• Border (the suburbs). The outskirts of melanoma generally squiggly, not round like a normal
• Color (color). The color of the melanoma is a combination of two or more
• Diameter of melanoma
generally over 6 mm.
• Enlargement (augmentation). Melanoma will be enlarged from time to
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