Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is a malignant tumor that begins in the bone, although not all tumors in the bone are malignant. This disease occurs due to the growth of bone cells that are not normal. Bone cancer can invade the whole bone in the body. However, in many cases, the bones of the legs and arms are the most exposed.

Bone cancer is divided into two, namely:
• Primary bone cancer. Appear and grow first in bone tissue.
• Secondary Bone Cancer. Cancer that arises due to the spread of cancer to other previous ones already happened. For example, colon cancer, lung cancer, or breast cancer that later spread to the bone. This condition is called metastatic cancer or cancer that spreads.
How common bone cancer?
Bone cancer is a type of cancer that belongs to the rare. In fact, this case occurs only about 1 percent of the total cancer cases. However, this disease can be experienced by children and adults. Please consultations to the doctor for more information.
Types of bone cancer
Here are a few types of bone cancer the most common:
• Osteosarcoma.
The primary types of cancer that often occurs in children and adolescents, which is around the age of 10 and 9 years old. This type of bone cancer is also more commonly found in men compared to women. Cancer cells in osteosarcoma usually grow on long bones, such as the shins, thighs, and arms.
• Chondrosarcoma.
The cancer cells grow in the bone-cartilage connecting between bone or bone lining. This type of bone cancer common in advanced age groups, i.e. over the age of 40 years and only 5 percent of cases which occurred at the age less than 20 years. Cancer cell chondrosarcoma can grow very aggressively or grow very slowly. Location is often affected by this disease in the bone part of the hips, groin, upper legs, and shoulders.
• Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors (ESFT).
The cancer cells grow in the bone-cartilage connecting between bone or bone lining. This type of bone cancer common in advanced age groups, i.e. over the age of 40 years and only 5% of cases which occurred at the age less than 20 years. Cancer cell chondrosarcoma can grow very aggressively or grow very slowly. Location is often affected by this disease in the bone part of the hips and groin.
• Fibrosarcoma.
Fibrosarcoma is a type of bone cancer that rarely appear and occur on the back of the knee at the age of adulthood.
• Chordoma.
Bone cancer is extremely rare, and if it happens, it's usually experienced by people who are already aged over 30 years. Cancer cells chordoma is often found in the spine is the bottom or top.
Stages of bone cancer stage
There are four stages of bone cancer stages, namely:
• Stadium I.
At this stage, the existing cancer cells in the bones are still few in number and have not spread to any part. Stage I is the lowest stage of cancer cells and not too aggressive and not to suppress the normal cells.
• Stadium II.
As it enters this stage, cancer cells are still there, just at the surface of the bone and have not spread to other parts. The difference with the stadium I, on stage II cancer cells grow more aggressive and ready to perform the deployment.
• Stage III.
In stage III, cancer has already spread to several parts of the bone. Three stages can be divided into early stage III and stage III.
• Stage IV.
This step indicates that cancer has spread to a wider area, no longer nest on bone tissue, but to other parts of the body, like the organs of the body. Spread most often occurs to the lungs.
That's a bit of an overview of cancer of the bone, if this article helpful, please share it to your friends of your friends or people closest to you, there is no harm if we care about the environment, in particular, the people surrounding us. Just how expensive this health, it is better to prevent than treat, always try and keep the spirit, happiness is Healthy. # Cancer Care

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