Healthy food Pyramid

Eating healthy foods and actively moving by doing physical activity are the two important things that can help improve your health. Not even a single menu of foods that can provide a variety of nutrients needed by the body. You can make the food pyramid Guide for choosing healthy foods as well as determining the appropriate portion.
The food pyramid is a nutrition guide other than one dinner plate guide that can be used to plan your healthy diet, by type and size of servings healthy food in the form of a pyramid
Set the eating patterns, in the long run, is more important than just paying attention to food in one meal only. If you get the nutrients it needs exactly, you can keep your health, while also achieving your ideal weight.
There are four levels of or part of the food pyramid that each level provides some type of food. From the type of food, one can not replace food items from other groups. Because there is no type of food is more important than other types of food, everything you need to meet daily nutrition.
Following the food pyramid levels as well as the size of servings of each food group you need to know:

Level 1
Beat the most basic level of the pyramid, consists of a type of food that come from whole grains (cereals) and most widely consumed each day, such as bread, cereal, rice, and pasta.
For this type of food, the recommended servings of 6-11 servings a day. Measure equivalent to 1 serving: 1 bread or cut 1/3 cups rice.

Level 2
Consist of foods that come from plants, fruits, and vegetables, the very body needs to get the intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
In the Group fruits, you can consumption 2-4 servings in one day, with 1 serving of fruit equals to 1 medium-sized fruit, 3/4 glasses of fruit juice, or 1/4 cup of dried fruit.
As for the recommended servings of vegetables, amounting to 3-5 servings. 1 serving of vegetables is equivalent to 1 cup of raw vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, lettuce or spinach, 1/2 cups cooked vegetables, or 3/4 cup vegetable juice.

Level 3
On the third level pyramid consist of two groups of foods that are mostly derived from animals like milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts. What kind of food at this level, it is important to obtain the protein, calcium, iron, and zinc for your body.
For this type of food at this level, the 2-3 recommended servings a day. For processed milk food serving, equivalent to 1 serving: 1 cup milk, or 1.5 ounces of processed cheese.
One serving of meat equivalent to 3 ounces of beef, chicken, fish, and other types of meat. In addition to the meat, the food at this level can also be replaced. One ounce of meat can be substituted with 1/2 cups canned peas, 1 egg, 3/4 cup of beans, or 2 tablespoons peanut butter.
The easy way to measure the portion of meat is 3 ounces of meat for the same size with a deck of cards or the Palm-sized woman.

Level 4
Located at the very top or the tip of a small pyramid consists of fats, oils, and sugar. These types of foods include salad dressings, creams, butter, margarine, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, and sweet desserts.
What kind of food at these levels only contain a few calories and nutrients, necessitating limited users. Foods that contain high levels of sugar or salt is not good for your health as well with oil. If consumed excessively can cause a variety of ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
One serving of fat is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of the oil, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise or salad dressing, or 1 slice of bacon. While 1 serving sweet manakin, equivalent to 1 plain doughnut, or 1 teaspoon sugar or honey.
The food pyramid above can help you to choose the type of food and control the amount of intake in accordance with their respective offices. Also, consult with Your nutritionist about the best diet for you.

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