Eye Cancer

Eye Cancer is a disease that occurs due to the cells in the eye tissue grow uncontrollably and its growth can be spread to other areas. At the time it grows and spreads, the cancer cells can damage normal cells around it. Eye cancer can occur in three main parts, namely:

• eyeball (globe). Part of the eyeball consisting of various tissues and fluids that make up the sensory system vision. Three layers of tissue that make up the eyeballs are:
Sklera is white, the loudest, and the farthest. On the front of the eye, there is a clear colored sclera called the cornea of the eye.
The retina is the innermost part of the eye which is composed of nerve cells that are sensitive to light.
Uvea is the eyeball between the retina and sclera. Uvea consists of iris that gives color to the eye and forms the pupils, the choroid which serves to provide nutrition for eyes and pigment-producing cells also contain (melanocytes), as well as the salaries agency set the lens of the eye.
• Orbita. The orbit of the eye is a range that surrounds the eyeball tissue, including muscles, control the movement of the eyeball.
• Spy Gear. Parts accessories or additional parts are adnexa on the eye as the eyebrows, tear gland, conjunctiva, eyelids, and eyelashes.
Eye cancer can begin from the eye or from other organs that the cancer cells spread to his part of the eye. Cancer of the eye that comes from a part of the eye called the primary cancer of the eye. While cancer of the eye that originated in other organs is called secondary cancer of the eye. Eye cancer is a rare disease.
Types Of Eye Cancer
Based on the type of network, cancer of the eye can be divided into:
• Intraocular Melanoma. This type of cancer is melanoma that occurs on the network of the eyeball. Intraocular Melanoma is a type of eye cancer most frequently occurs, but still rare compared with the skin cancer melanoma. Cancer types of melanoma occur in pigment-producing cells or melanocytes located in tissues of the uvea. The choroid is the site of a growing tumor that is most often. In addition to the choroid, intraocular melanoma first can be detected on the network. Melanoma is cancer on the iris grows slowly and rarely spreads to other organs.
• Intraocular Lymphoma. Called intraocular Lymphoma, because this cancer occurs in cells in the lymph nodes in the eye. Intraocular Lymphoma that arises often included the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Most of the intraocular Lymphoma sufferers have problems on the system of funny, for example, is suffering from AIDS. Intraocular Lymphoma also frequently appeared together with the lymphoma in central nervous systems called primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL).
• Retinoblastoma. Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye that specifically attack the children. Arising out of the occurrence of the retinoblastoma gene mutation on the retina causing retinal cells to divide rapidly and spread to the eyes and other body parts. Retinoblastoma can occur in one or both eyes. If it happens on the second eye, retinoblastoma can be detected even before the age of 1 year. If detected early, retinoblastoma can be treated very well and has a high cure rate. In addition to retinoblastoma, a cancer of the eye is the second medulloepithelioma on eyeballs, although very rare.
In addition to these three types of eye cancer that occurs in the eyeball, eye cancer can also occur in orbit and adnexa eyes. Some types of cancer in the eye adnexa and orbital network include:
Cancer of the eyelids. Is a variant of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma may be a or squamous cell carcinoma.
Cancer of the orbit. Cancer that occurs in the muscles of the eyeball movers and connective tissue surrounding eyeball (rhabdomyosarcoma).
Melanoma conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is a membrane that lines the eyelids and eyeballs. Conjunctiva melanoma looks like a black stain on the eyes.
• Glandular Tumor tears.

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